// JOGL 2 - Composeable Pipline

JOGL provides a feature called 'composeable pipeline' which can be quite useful in some situations. It enables you to put additional delegating layers between your java application and the OpenGL driver. A few usecases could be:
  • performance metrics
  • logging, debugging or diagnostics
  • to ignore specific function calls
It is very easy to set up. Just put this line into your code and the DebugGL layer will throw a GLException as soon an error occurs (you want this usually when you are developing the software).

    public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
        // wrap composeable pipeline in a Debug utility, all OpenGL error codes are automatically
        // converted to GLExceptions as soon as they appear
        drawable.setGL(new DebugGL3(drawable.getGL().getGL3()));
Another predefined layer is TraceGL which intercepts all OpenGL calls and prints them to an output stream.

        drawable.setGL(new TraceGL3(drawable.getGL().getGL3(), System.out));
see also GL Profiles


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